dBm to MicroVolts Conversion Chart (For 50 ohm Systems)

dBm uV
0 224,000
-1 200,000
-2 178,000
-3 159,000
-4 141,000
-5 126,000
-6 112,000
-7 100,000
-8 89,100
-9 79,500
-10 70,900
-11 63,300
-12 56,300
-13 50,100
-14 44,700
-15 39,900
-16 35,500
-17 31,700
-18 28,200
-19 25,200
-20 22,400
-21 20,000
-22 17,800
-23 15,900
-24 14,100
-25 12,600
-26 11,200
-27 10,000
-28 8,900
-29 7,950
-30 7,090
-31 6,330
-32 5,630
-33 5,010
-34 4,470
-35 3,990
-36 3,550
-37 3,170
-38 2,820
-39 2,520
-40 2,240
-41 2,000
-42 1,780
-43 1,590
-44 1,410
-45 1,260
-46 1,120
-47 1,000
-48 891
-49 795
-50 709
-51 633
-52 563
-53 501
-54 447
-55 399
-56 355
-57 317
-58 282
-59 252
-60 224
-61 200
-62 178
-63 159
-64 141
-65 126
-66 112
-67 100
-68 89.1
-69 79.5
-70 70.9
-71 63.3
-72 56.3
-73 50.1
-74 44.7
-75 39.9
-76 35.5
-77 31.7
-78 28.2
-79 25.2
-80 22.4
-81 20
-82 17.8
-83 15.9
-84 14.1
-85 12.6
-86 11.2
-87 10
-88 8.91
-89 7.95
-90 7.09
-91 6.33
-92 5.63
-93 5.01
-94 4.47
-95 3.99
-96 3.55
-97 3.17
-98 2.82
-99 2.52
-100 2.24
-101 2
-102 1.78
-103 1.59
-104 1.41
-105 1.26
-106 1.12
-107 1
-108 0.891
-109 0.795
-110 0.709
-111 0.633
-112 0.563
-113 0.501
-114 0.447
-115 0.399
-116 0.355
-117 0.317
-118 0.282
-119 0.252
-120 0.224
-121 0.2
-122 0.178
-123 0.159
-124 0.141
-125 0.126
-126 0.112
-127 0.1
-128 0.0891
-129 0.0795
-130 0.0709
-131 0.0633
-132 0.0563
-133 0.0501
-134 0.0447
-135 0.0399
-136 0.0355
-137 0.0317
-138 0.0282
-139 0.0252
-140 0.0224

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Page last updated 03-Aug-2004 by WA6ILQ

The information presented in this web site, on these web pages and in these information, modification and conversion articles is © Copyrighted 1995 - current by Kevin Custer W3KKC and multiple originating authors.