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Repeater Jammers:
How to catch them
and deal with them

Articles and reference material

This page is presented to you by Kevin K. Custer  W3KKC.
Additions to it are welcome.

Articles about jammers, and how to deal with them:

. Catching the Blue Knob PA. Repeater Jammer of 2004-2005   How Kevin - W3KKC and Scott - N3XCC caught the jammer of the Blue Knob 147.15 MHz machine.

. Repeater Jammers  or, "God Luv Em", Nobody Else Does!       By Pete Policani  K7PP

. Offsite link to the "Homing In" web page of Joe Moell KØOV       This web site started with Joe's column from 73 magazine.


While not really intentional jamming, repeaters can be bothered by other repeaters that pop up on their frequencies upside-down, meaning the output of one repeater is on the same frequency as the input of another. Repeater coordination usually takes care of this situation, but if no frequencies are available, sometimes repeaters are just put up anyway. If there's a CW ID that can be heard, that makes it quite easy to zero in on, but a digital (DMR) repeater is much tougher to locate. Here's how a couple of repeater trustees dealt with an uncoordinated DMR repeater that showed up on their input:

. The DMR Interference Case   By Robert W. Meister WA1MIK

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